Sunday, February 22, 2009

I can't take it anymore

I can't deal with my mother's crap anymore. She has a total lack of self control and total lack of disregard for anyone elses thoughts, feelings and wishes. For those of you that are reading this and don't know, my mother is an alcoholic. So she hasn't always been this way, but the alcohol is ruining her mind, body and life. I can't take it anymore, I need to remove myself from the situation. I don't want the stress of it to cause any harm to our baby.

I guess maybe I need to start going to Al-Anon for support. I don't know. I just know that I would hate myself if I turned my back on her and something happened to her. But I have reached out to her (and so has the rest of our family) time and time again and she is in such a state of denial that she doesn't get it. I can't keep doing this anymore. I cringe everytime I see her name on caller id and the times that I actually answer or return her calls the conversations are always so draining and toxic. I guess now I just have to look out for my mental and emotional well being and the well being of our baby...

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